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On the other hand, we also needed exam take knowledge of this very efficient metathesis cascade exam synthesize the ABC tricycle of Taxol, and our revised retrosynthesis is shown in Scheme 6. The 2‐ene‐1,4‐diol unit of compound 4 would be installed by exam help TiIII radical‐mediated starting of the corresponding 1,3‐diepoxide, which can also be generated from the 1,3‐diene moiety at C10‐C13 of compound 22. 12b exam help hydroboration/oxidation sequence of the C3‐C4 olefin would lead examination the ketone at C4. 5 Tricycle 22 could be fashioned by exam help metathesis cascade response from dienyne 23, where the alkyne at C11 and the alkene at C13 have swapped positions compared exam those in compound 15 b. In order examination direct the metathesis cascade response so it starts with the olefin at C10 and never with the only at C13, we elected exam have exam help disubstituted olefin at C13, which might react more slowly with the metathesis precatalysts. It is critical examination note that this additional methyl group should not latest within the metathesis product 22, but might be part of the propene published after the diene metathesis reaction.
